Gold Star Coconut Chippies
If you can find really big coconut chips for this recipe, I would highly recommend it. Crunchy nuts like these are so yummy in a crisp, leafy salad, as a snack with drinks or in lunch boxes. Feel free to play around with your own spice combinations; cumin, coriander and cayenne all work well.
Mixed together spices, salt and sesame oil in a medium sized bowl. Add coconut chips and sunflower seeds, and toss in the spiced oil so the coconut can absorb as much flavour as possible. Leave them to soak for around 20 minutes while your oven heats up to 200 degrees. Once the oven is up to temperature, evenly spread the coconut mixture onto an oven tray. Toast quickly, stirring and checking them every 5 minutes until they’re crispy but not too brown. Cool on the tray, preferably where you can smell them. Keeps for a week in an airtight jar or container.